Tuna tartare with raspberry-strawberry
A light and refreshing starter with star quality looks. A perfect dish for a light meal! Or, because this dish is light, there is still room for plenty of other courses to follow.
- Directly to...
- Starter
- 4 persons
- 30 min. preparation
- 245 kcal Nutrition Value
- Gluten free Lactose free
- 300 g fresh tuna (sushi quality)
- 1 punnet vene cress
- 1 punnet daikon cress
- Salt and pepper
Kitchen tools
- Melon baller
- Blender or hand blender
- Portion ring (approx. 9 cm),
- Piping bag or plastic bag
Preparation method
- Slice the tuna into 1 cm cubes and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
- Cut the mango into two halves along the stone. Use the melon baller to create neat balls from the mango halves.
- Slice the avocado all the way around the stone. Twist the two halves apart. Remove the stone and scoop the flesh out of the skin. Place the flesh in the blender or beaker of the hand blender. Season with salt and pepper and blend until smooth. Scoop the avocado purée into the piping bag or plastic bag and cut off the corner.
- Rinse the portioning ring with water. Do not dry it! Place in the centre of a plate. Fill the ring with a layer of tuna. Arrange a few mango balls on top and pipe some avocado purée onto the tuna. Carefully remove the ring and repeat another three times for each plate.
- Halve the raspberry/strawberries and divide over the tuna tartare. Garnish with the cress leaves.
Nutrition value per person/bite
- Energy
- 245 kcal
- Protein
- 20 g
- Fat
- 10 g
- Saturated
- 1 g
- Carbohydrate
- 17 g
- Sugars
- 16 g
- Fibers
- 4 g