Fresh salad with raspberries and pecan nuts
Enjoy a sweet and savoury flavour combination with raspberries, pecan nuts and salad. Whether you're looking for a light lunch or a side dish, this salad is guaranteed to be a hit.
- Directly to...
- Starter, Side dish, Salads
- 4 persons
- 15 min. preparation
- 465 kcal Nutrition Value
- Gluten free Low in carbohydrates
- 150 g feta
- ½ cucumber
- 1 small red onion
- 300 g mixed salad
- 150 g pecan nuts
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- Salt and pepper
Preparation method
- Wash the cucumber and cut in half. Cut into thin slices. Slice the onion into half rings.
- Crumble the feta and coarsely chop the pecan nuts. Mix everything together, drizzle the olive oil over the top and season with salt and pepper.
- Slice the raspberries in half and divide between the plates.
Tip: the salad is also delicious with an orange dressing.
Nutrition value per person/bite
- Energy
- 465 kcal
- Protein
- 12 g
- Fat
- 42 g
- Saturated
- 9 g
- Carbohydrate
- 7 g
- Sugars
- 6 g
- Fibers
- 5 g