Storage advice
Mangosteens will keep a little longer if stored outside the fridge.
A hidden secret
You are not the first to wonder if ‘mangosteen’ is a tasty exotic fruit. But this fruit proves that names can be deceptive. The mangosteen has a firm, leathery, dark brown to purple skin that can be a couple of centimetres thick. A small crown sits on top of the round fruit.
The real delicacy is the hidden secret inside the mangosteen: Four to seven segments of bright white flesh. These segments can be easily scooped out. The soft flesh is juicy and sweet. You might find a seed in one of the segments, but these seeds are not edible. The skin is not edible either, but it is still used for other purposes in some countries. It contains a lot of tannin, a substance that is used to tan leather.
Segments of EAT ME mangosteen make a tasty, healthy snack. They also make an attractive addition to a fruit salad or a wonderful combination with ice cream. Ever tasted mangosteen-iced tea or tried the daring combination with cucumber?
To remove the tough skin, score around the fruit with a sharp knife. Then remove the top section. The segments can now be removed easily. You can eat the fruit as it is, or in a salad.
Mangosteens will keep a little longer if stored outside the fridge.
EAT ME mangosteens are sourced in the subtropical regions of the world: south-east Asia and South America. Amazingly, mangosteens grow on trees that can easily live for hundreds of years and can reach heights of more than 25 metres. A tree only starts to produce its first fruit after 7-10 years. The trees have a striking shape and resemble a pyramid. The branches grow from the axilla of the opposite leaf which. results in a very symmetrical appearance. The harvest takes place once a year and lasts as long as 4-5 months.